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Tag: node.js

Secrets in Google App Engine

Google App Engine makes it easy to deploy NodeJS applications. The GAE Standard Environment and SDK support NodeJS out of the box. This makes Google App Engine a great choice ahead of competitors such as Heroku, AWS or Microsoft Azure. Unfortunately though, there’s no support for managing secrets in Google App Engine. When I deployed Dog n Bone to GAE, I found this single shortcoming the main source of complexity.

There are however some workarounds. None of them is particularly nice though.

WebSocket push notifications with Node.js

The Node.js website describes it as having “an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient”. Sounds lovely, but what’s it actually for?

Modulus’s excellent blog post – An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Node.js provides some rather tasty examples. After covering the trivial examples (Hello world! and simple file I/O), it gets to the meat of what we’re about – an HTTP server. The simple example demonstrates a trivial HTTP server in Node.js in 5 lines of code. Not 5 lines of code compiled to an executable or deployed into an existing web server. 5 lines of code that can be run from a simple command. It then goes on to describe the frameworks and libraries that let you do really useful stuff.

This looks just the thing for implementing a new feature in the Spanners demo app: push notifications to all logged-in users when a spanner is changed.