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Tag: profiling

Just tell me what broke!

A few years ago, I heard about Glassbox, an automated troubleshooting tool for Java apps. The Google TechTalk seemed interesting (if a little long) and I was reasonably impressed when I plugged it into my own apps and it made (mostly) helpful suggestions on what may be causing bottlenecks. The tagline Just tells you what brokeā„¢ summed up the product perfectly. It didn’t go into unnecessary detail regarding CPU cycles, memory usage, garbage collections, locks, threads and so on. It just showed nice helpful messages like “Slow operation. Cause: Slow database operation”.

Unfortunately, this open source project has ground to a halt and there have been no new releases since 2008. And unfortunately it never quite managed to become completely usable. I’ve tried installing it again recently on a couple of different setups (WebSphere / IBM JDK 1.5 and Tomcat 6 / Oracle JDK 1.6) but never got it doing anything actually useful.

I now have a new project that I suspect is running poorly. There’s probably some problem with the database or nested loops or something like that. I don’t know exactly where the problem is though. I’d like to be able to use a tool like Glassbox to point me in the right direction. I don’t need it to solve my problem for me. I just need to know what to do next. Do I run a heap analysis or do I check my database indexing? So I’ve been looking for replacements for Glassbox.