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Tag: spanners

Integration Tests with Selenium and tomcat7-maven-plugin

Integration tests are a valuable tool in the development of robust, quality software. Once each individual component has been unit tested, the integration test gives some confidence that the system stack as a whole does what is expected. Like unit tests, a great deal of the value of integration tests comes from the regression suite that they create. After any defect fix or enhancement to software, the unit and integration tests confirm that all existing features do exactly what they did before. If these tests are automated, they cost nothing to run and they’ll stay silent unless a defect is discovered.

I’ve looked at unit testing a few times in the past but this post explains how to integration test the full stack – database, Java application and web server. In this case, I’m running the tests as part of the Maven build lifecycle. As usual, I’m working from the Spanners demo (available for download), mainly working against the spanners-struts web component.

Protecting Service Methods with Spring Security Annotations

Spring Security is typically used to protect Web Applications by restricting access to URLs based on a user role. However, it can also be used to secure methods and classes so that coding or configuration errors do not allow a back door into restricted data. This builds security deep into the system without cluttering the code. It also allows additional flexibility such as allowing users to access only information relevant to them and not to other users’ information.

Preventing XSS Vulnerabilities in Web Frameworks

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are among the top risks to web application security. However many web application developers have only a vague idea of what XSS is, let alone how to test for it or protect against it. Many web application frameworks such as Struts or Tapestry have some controls for preventing XSS attacks. Yet I’ve seen developers disable framework protections resulting in vulnerable applications. Usually this is simply due to ignorance or lack of attention. A basic awareness of what web frameworks do to prevent XSS vulnerabilities is required to stop developers making dumb, though potentially serious mistakes.