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Don't Panic! Posts

Deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine

Previously we looked at building a Spring Cloud Data Flow on Kubernetes. As a follow up, we’re now looking at deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine. The great thing about Kubernetes you use exactly the same commands to manage a cluster on your laptop as on a server or cloud compute platform. Google has first class support for Kubernetes on the Google Kubernetes Engine so deploying the Primer application was very straightforward.

Spring Cloud Data Flow on Kubernetes

Spring Cloud Data Flow is a powerful tool for composing and deploying message driven data pipelines. It allows us to compose simple Spring Cloud Stream applications into complex processing pipelines. It also takes care of deploying these pipelines into Kubernetes or into Cloud Foundry.

It’s powerful but has a lot of moving parts. It can be daunting to get a simple pipeline running. This article introduces the Primer demo for SCDF and describes how to deploy it into Kubernetes on a local development machine.

Secrets in Google App Engine

Google App Engine makes it easy to deploy NodeJS applications. The GAE Standard Environment and SDK support NodeJS out of the box. This makes Google App Engine a great choice ahead of competitors such as Heroku, AWS or Microsoft Azure. Unfortunately though, there’s no support for managing secrets in Google App Engine. When I deployed Dog n Bone to GAE, I found this single shortcoming the main source of complexity.

There are however some workarounds. None of them is particularly nice though.

Detecting Twilio API login failures

When I built out Dog n Bone – a browser phone powered by Twilio, I found that behavior on providing an incorrect accountSid / authToken was not quite what I expected. This post details how I detected Twilio API login failures in Dog n Bone.

Twilio uses ClientCapability tokens to grant access to API features. The back end obtains a ClientCapability object using a Twilio accountSid and authToken. It sets scopes on the ClientCapability to grant only necessary permissions on that account. API requests in the front end authenticate using the JWT created from the CapabilityToken. This mechanism allows the front end to authenticate to the API without exposing the Twilio accountSid / authToken.

SSH into a Docker Container

Just sometimes, it’s useful to SSH into a Docker Container. While docker exec or docker attach are usually sufficient to run commands in a container, sometimes you specifically need SSH. For example, to connect directly from a remote machine or when an application needs to run commands on your container. Most Docker images don’t come with the SSHd service installed so it is not possible to SSH to them. This post demonstrates how to install and run the SSHd service to an existing image so that you can connect to it.

Unit test time based logic

A standard unit testing problem is how to unit test code that has a dependency on dates or times. For example a method that returns a greeting according to the time of day:

public String timeOfDayGreeting() {
    LocalTime now =;
    if (now.isBefore(LocalTime.NOON)) {
        return "Good morning";
    } else if (now.isBefore(LocalTime.of(18, 00))) {
        return "Good afternoon";
    } else {
        return "Good evening";

If we were to call this method from a test fixture (say JUnit), it would return different values depending on when the test was run. This is not ideal. Unit tests should pass or fail consistently.

Here’s a simple solution for testing time based code.

Test First React part 1: setup and first tests

React is a great choice for writing test first client side Javascript. The test ecosystem is mature enough to enable test first development of complex components. This article shows how to build a React component test first and introduces supporting test libraries Jest and Enzyme. In the next article we’ll look at more advanced testing including API testing and module mocking.